Complication One: Her grandfather was Mr. Wainwright and the artifacts are lost somewhere in what is now Jane Jameson's book shop.
Complication Two: her new neighbor, Jed Trudeau, who keeps turning up half naked at the strangest times, a distraction Nola doesn't need. And teaming up with a real-life Adonis is as dangerous as it sounds, especially when he’s got the face of an angel and the abs of a washboard—can Nola complete her mission before falling completely under his spell?

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I admit when the email telling me I was receiving a digital ARC of this book came through I giggled like a school girl and did a happy dance with my kindle!!! I adore this author and the chance to read a new book in a series I love before it's official release had me over the moon!!
I must begin by telling you I usually listen to audiobooks of the series be cause the narrator, Amanda Ronconi is fantastic. She really brings the characters to life! As I read this book it is her voice I will her in my head!
Half Moon Hollow is one of those wonderful eccentric town you wish really existed. I would've there in a heartbeat. Sadly that is not an option so I must satisfy my self with extended visits in each new book.
Once again Molly Harper created fantastically quirky characters who make it hard for you not to love them. Add in appearances from the menagerie of past characters and hilarity ensues! Any fan of the series will be delighted with this newest addition. Laugh out loud funny at times, always engaging and another thrilling joyride through Kentucky's quirkiest town!
Nola is a witch who is at odds with herself. She wants to be normal when she should concentrate on being extraordinary. She moves to the Hollow on a quest and quickly becomes part of the gang. So many funny moments occur due to misunderstandings about ancestry!
Jed is a bit of a mystery for most of the book. He is a perfect match for Nola and helps her come into her own. They have some really sweet sensual scenes and the details stop just this side of steamy. They get hot and heavy a few times but it is mainstream not erotic so you have to imagine the details for yourself.
The plot line in this book flows nicely and the pace was wonderful. Never a dull moment to be had! It is always fun catching up with the leads of pervious books. Really the gang is all here, Jane and Andrea are prominent. Gabriel, Zeb, Jolene, Iris and Miranda make cameos. Dick Chaney is always a crown pleaser!
This is the third book in the Half Moon Hollow spinoff series, you could read it as a stand alone, but why would you? To truly appreciate all the nuances of the town and characters you really need to have read all the Jane Jameson and Half Moon Hollow books that came before this one. Besides Molly Harper is awesomely addictive, once you pick up that first book you will need to read it straight through. Then after words like a crack addict needing a fix you will desperately want to read the next book! Finally you will be like me stalking her web page, Facebook, twitter and Goodreads in hope of some small mention of the next book and release date!
Welcome to my world!
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