The series follows the Dixie Chix, seven friends who have had troubled past and banded together to start a night club. They settle in Delight, Texas which happens to have a history of folks living a menage lifestyle! And every now and then there is a bit of BDSM to keep things spicy!
Mostly I really enjoyed the series, the characters were engaging and the stories flowed nicely and were interesting. I did wonder how in such a short period of time all of their pasts would surface. I also thought they routinely did things disregarding their safety just be cause they were told not to. Why are heroines always so dumbly pigheaded?
Every story was a menage mostly involving pairs of brothers. Sorry ladies no MM loving on the side! Still the steam was plentiful and oh so hot and heavy!! Although it was strange every girl, even the virgins, became sex hungry nymphos once they got together with there men. But it is erotica so that is to be expected!
I loved the inter mingled narrative, well after the issues of the first book were resolved. It was great hearing from character other than the main trio. I also enjoyed the visits with prior hero/heroines. And every book ended in a way that really made you want to jump into the next one! So glad I waited until they were all out my limited patience would not had me waiting very nicely!
This author has a couple other series out that I also enjoyed. She is really entertaining and spins a very sexy yarn. She has definitely improved with each new book. There are still things you can nit pick at but in the end I was entertained and that was the point. She is on my watch list and I can not wait to see what she will come out with next!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
A very interesting beginning to the series. I am definitely intrigued.
It did feel a bit repetitive in the story at times. Also lots of hints about the girls past but lacking solid details.
I liked the ménage and felt the romance could have been stronger.
Steamy as all get out once they got to doing the deed. Even that could have been a but more.
I was very distracted by the way the narrative would change in the middle of a section and then change back. At times it was unclear who's point of view was being given.
Overall a interesting start to the series and certainly enough to have me hooked.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book was better than the first, the narrative is much clearer.
I like that each book is about one pairing but has snippets of other girls as well. I am loving the hints at their futures. It is also nice to get a bit more if Susanna's story as it felt incomplete.
The way they harped on the age difference you would think it was twenty years not a measly five and six.
The steam was hot when it arrived. BDSM was handled nicely and mostly worked for the story. Loved the shower scene!
The mystery was a but of a bust because the bad guy was obvious. I wish there had been a twist.
Overall a good read and pulls you more into the series.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It seems things in the series are heating up! This is Alexa's story with her two sexy military bikers Michael and Chad.
In this story the guys have help Alexa overcome fears from her past. Then a figurer from their top secret military job is a threat to her.
The story flowed nicely and I loved the mixing in of the other girls stories. The narratives have become much cleared and easier to follow.
It took awhile for the main trio to get steamy but when they do watch out it is hot and heavy! There is a bathroom scene that is super sexy! There is also a bit of steamy action between past couples that burns up the pages in the beginning!
I am really liking this series and can not wait for the next book. I really love the hints for the other girls stories that are mixed into each book. It helps keep you salivating for the next story!

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Another good book in the series. It had a few repetitive moments. overall good story and a fair amount of drama.
The steam was nice but it took awhile to heat up. There was less action from other couples to keep the beginning of the book hot. It was more of a lukewarm.
I am still a fan of the series overall and ready to jump into the next book. Very happy that the pesky roving narrative issue was fixed, things are much clearer now.
Juliet was a bit too meek for my taste. I get she had trauma but I prefer a supplier kind of gal. In the end it was an enjoyable read and that is the whole point.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another great story in the series. Although they are getting kinda pattern.
Sally was just an ok character for me, I tried to like her but her self doubt was a bit annoying. Likewise Mason and Steven were angsty. I could have done with more assertiveness all around.
For military and ex military they certainly fall for some typical bad guy tricks. That is one thing that bugs me across the board with this series.
The steamy wasn't until about halfway through the book and them it was quite often. Seems once these girls give up the v card they just can't get enough!
Only two books left in the series, wonder what else could go wrong for the Dixie Chix!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Another great read in the series. I really like the mixed narrative now that it is clear who is speaking each time. I love catching up with the other Dixie Chix and their men each story. They all flow so nicely together.
Elise has always been a sassy favorite of mine. I really enjoyed her story and all the ensuing drama. Tommy and Vic could have been a bit more aggressive in the beginning. They really made up for it later with a super sexy scene involving handcuffs! Hot!!
I like the series but each time I feel something missing. Not sure what the issue is but the stories, while engaging, somehow feel hollow in the end. Doesn't stop me from reading but just an observation.
Loads of steam in the second half of the book. Once the trio falls into bed they have trouble getting out of it! Not that that is an issue in a steamy romance like this.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A nice ending to the series. This time the big drama was a health scare and loads of past turmoil. Ava is almost too self sacrificing and Colton is a bit of a hard a$$.
In the end the series wrapped up rather well. Everybody settled and making one big happy family. I really like this style of mixing all the ladies tales to give a more complete overall picture. I also enjoyed the varied narrative. I live getting more than the main characters POV and the others added great insight.
The steam did not come until late in the book and wasn't as heavy as other stories. It was almost as though the author forgot she was writing an erotic romance and remembered more than halfway into the book. Quick insert some sex scenes. Still it worked for this story and the emotional drama that was happening did not lend to exuberant sex right away.
The only complaint I have at the end of the series is that Vic, Dale, G-force and Big Dog did not get romances. I know they aren't the Dixie Chix but they deserve HEA too! Maybe the series could have one or two more books for them!
View all my reviews
Dixie is a new-to-me author and from your reviews, she sounds like someone I'd like to read.
ReplyDeletecatherinelee100 at gmail dot com
Hm.. never heard of this series. I will have to try it! Thanks so much! :)
I will have to check out this series. Dixie is a new-to-me author but her books sound really good :)